Panasonic PT-DW10000U
- Bovard maintains a ceiling mounted Panasonic PT-DW10000U projector. The device is mounted in a fixed position under the first balcony at house center.
- The image is projected on a motor controlled 40′ x 30′ screen mounted directly in front of the main stage curtain.
Screen Dimensions
- Projection screen to front of projector: 61′
- Screen Width from black to black: 24′
- Screen Width from white to white: 23′ 8″
- Screen Height to top of screen: 22′
- Screen Height to bottom of teaser: 21′ 4″
The following locations have input jacks which can be connected to our projector:
- Center Stage 6′ Upstage of Front Lip: VGA
- Lighting Booth: VGA, Composite, S-Video, Component
Video Switchers
Bovard also employs an FSR CP 200 video switcher which allows us to chose between 8 different input sources.
The following outputs are available for use if you need to see your sources elsewhere:
- Booth PC: Allows you to preview your input sources prior to getting to the projector
- DVI Send on stage: An external monitor can be rented by an outside company to setup an external monitor that can show what is the current input source.
- Projector: Shows the current selected source